Omeng meets Angel Corpuz

So this blog kicks-off the series Omeng Meets.
In this series, the blog will serve as the avenue for anyone to send and shoutout their unique message to the world.

This is to my belief  that each of us can  bring significant  influence and impact to others even with just our own little personal stories. Whoooo!

Now this blog features a college friend of mine.
Let's all meet Angelica Revibes Corpuz.

I met Angel during my undergrad days in UP.
Though we're in the same engineering department since our first year, it was only when we met in one  major class that I've got to know her better.

If my memory serves me right, this woman was apparently demanding at first. That's my first impression. Haha

I recall the days when she would insist me to help her answer a problem set. She spoke in a way that I felt like it's my solemn obligation and job to assist her.

Of course I would be very much willing to help anyone in need, but the problem was that I almost always finish asignments at most two days before the deadliest deadline, but she  on the other hand would plan to finish it right after it's given by our teacher.
So it's like bending my own schedule just to fit hers. 

Right after class, she would invite me to go to the library to answer the recently giiven problems set together, leaving me no choice   but to sacrifice that long nap I'd been craving for the day. Haha

She's really a woman who makes the way to her every will. 

Okay, enough of that bukingan<peace angge!> but certainly it was those times of doing things together  that strengthened whatever was between us before. It even  paved the way to our same grouping in our thesis and plant design requirements, which opened more opportunity for us working together in our last year stay in the university.

And I tell you, she's very organized person in all her own things, that we other members of the group had to adjust to her supportive study habits.   Most of the time,  she's the one acting as the leader in our group, delegating each task and setting deadlines. She had that confidence of asking favors for our benefits, and initiating an activity left undone. And whenever one groupmate unreasonably failed to finish his part, be ready for her stagnant look. You wouldn't hear a word, but you'd really feel it. haha.  

Surprisingly, she's also a sophisticated lady, something you wouldn't expect from her at first look. She's also a leader in her own right, abled to manage a big umbrella of provincial organizations, showing her national level prowess. Bwahaha!
Her Motto: If there's a will, there's a way, a definitely winning attitude.

Too bad it's too late for her to give back to her father. But though she couldn't do it physically to him now, I truly believe that her father would be as much as happy seeing her daughter thrive in her pursuit of success, ultimately blessing those around her.

So there. Let's all learn to treasure and feel the love of all our loved ones whenever we have the chance of doing so. We dont't know its end may just be lurking around the corner.

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