This blog kicks-off the series of review of every book I read.
This year I committed to finish at least one book a month (though some take more time than that)
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And what’s a better way to start the series than to review the actual first-ever non-academic book I ever had: - What Women Want Men to Know.
Tagged as the ultimate book on love, sex and relationship, and written by renowned human relations expert Barbara de Angelis, this 400plus-pages book reveals everything to know about women, from really knowing and recognizing their basic needs , to learning what they think about love, intimacy and communication , up to their sexual secrets and turn-ons and offs, guiding men how to be the perfect lover in and out of bed.
While its title says the things needed to be known by men, the book is equally useful for women in understanding more their identity.
I bought the book during my junior early fourth year in college in Powerbooks in their Robinsons Galleria branch. I had just had my playtime in Timezone, when I entered their store and accidentally found this book on sale.
I got intrigued by the title, so I scanned through it and read some pages. When I realized the content was a bargain for its cheap price, I went to the cashier, paid for it, stepped out of their store, and continued reading it again.
That decision unexpectedly started the series of powerful and useful revelations I had about the most complicated creature of the universe – W-O-M-A-N.
I have to warn you.
The book is very powerful. Provocative, I should say.
Barbara is simply one of the most gifted authors I encountered by the way she explained her points. The book was clearly written as if she were really talking personally with her readers.
Many times I would defend men in her biased analysis, in her justifications of the illogical doings of women, but she would immediately address my rebuttal even before I said it. She definitely has that EP – emotional prediction, especially for his male readers, making the content more believable, and the author more credible.
For few consecutive days I read it, with my usual habit of reading a book from its very first word.
I often caught myself agreeing to her.
I was smiling, then laughing , starting to appreciate women more.
Whenever she would give sample cases, I would silently reply “Oh this is my mother”, “this is like my brother’s demanding girlfriend, “Oops, this is my bestfriend’s insecure partner". She got it exactly as if she knew them personally.
Actually, I couldn’t believe it at first. She really knew what she’s saying.
Reading the first few pages, I was too excited to discover why women act their weirdly way, plus all the other why’s about them.
I was catching myself nodding to every conclusion she makes, absorbing all her explanations.
Finally a book on the science about women.
The presentation was so convincing and real that at some point, I had to stop reading it. I couldn’t believe that there’s someone on earth who could really defend to death what a woman is, and who could effortlessly pull me to get on her side.
I had to stop reading for a while because I was really feeling its impact on me, which at that time I wasn’t sure if it’s for the better or worse.
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Twas like I was slowly but surely robbed of my masculinity. I had to stop before everything in me became in favor of women. Whaha!
And so I just dropped the book, with some of its lessons already inculcated in my mind.
Until now, years after, I still haven’t resume reading it seriously like the first time.
So how useful the book is?
Here’s a proof.
One upon a time during my college, there was this girl whom I liked. We were in the same organization. As usual of me, I just told that feelings to our common friend who’s also a girl. She knew everything I did for my target. I followed the advise of the book – on how to make women feel valued, on how to communicate with them, etc etc, even if they were seemed unreasonable and incovenient at first; only to find out that that this common friend had also started falling for me. A big disaster!!!
There are other stories which I choose not to divulge here.Hehe. But believe me, the techniques pretty worked well.
But before you accuse me of using the book to manipulate women and their feelings, please know that my intentions were real in all affairs I had, with the lessons I had from the book being just there to complement my sincere desire and care for them. Nothing fake.
Naturally it also paved the way to my reading of other self-help books. I was not really a book lover. Before you would only see me reading books required by my academic classes. If not academic, the comic section of a newspaper. Now I undeniably owe a big part of everything I know now to all those virtual mentors I had.
Ultimately, the book made me realized how lucky I am to be a man, knowing that there’s an extraordinary creature called “women” populating this planet. It made me appreciate the real beauty every woman has, with all their “limitations” and "demands".
I strongly encourage all couples out there to give this book a try and see how it could greatly level-up the relationship you have right now.
As I said, I had stopped reading it for years now. Though I still touch the book from time to time, I would probably resume give it serious thought once I finally find out the reason to do so. Maybe when I have my next girl (meaning years from now) hehe.
Besides it’s very dangerous. It’s safe to say that should I continue reading, I’m afraid I might pull to myself other women unintentionally, just like what happened before. Aside from it doesn't stick with the plan, it’s equally painful to see someone’s heart breaking because of you. J
- oMeNg -
I just had to make sure that I am applying the learning to the right girl. Hehe.
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Sometimes I feel the need to look for its counterpart book - Secrets About Men Ever Women Should Know- and give it to my partner in the future, to save time of explaining myself to her. But of course I wouldn’t stop her if she would prefer to discover it first-hand. That’s a lot more exciting than discerning it through alphabets.
And to end, this let me share the last sentence of the book -
Do not give up on Love, dear friends, no matter what!
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