Find a nerd fanatic slave of science then make him a helpless victim of love.
What will you get?
Crazy yet scientific and proven laws of lovelife to the rescue of every loving creature in the universe.
I came across this file while scanning old documents in my undergrad laptop.
These are just few of the principles revealed to me by all heavenly bodies, both flying and running, when I was so powerless in the influence of the most addicting drug ever invented - LOVE.
And I mean here the romantic type.
Gosh, during those times, I could be the happiest man on earth at one point, then the most miserable, down in the dumps minutes after.
Whenever I look back to that day now, I secretly laugh because I must have looked really silly. The despair I felt then was real and I thought I wouldn’t be able to recover.
Surely I could say it was one of the turning points of my life.
Where nights seem colder than liquid Nitrogen,
And the breeze depleted of oxygen. HAHA
There was simply no getting through, I thought.
But I realize we almost always never marry our first love.
Of course there’s also a lot of good memories to cherish,
So to make good use of that colorful phase of my life, I present to you with great honor my solid experience-based laws of love engineering.
(to be conferred with Nobel Peace Prize, just don’t know when)
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Love Engineering Fundamental Rule: "Never judge people in love, neither the people who do the judging. They both don't know what they're doing."
The only point of this is that the subject of love can never be fully explained (and can never be explained) to anyone who simply doesn’t know the hang of it.
In fact, one of the best ways to know if a person has that experience is to tell him a tragic love story.
Pick the people who first reacted using just pure logic and reason, and you eliminate all those newbies in the picture.
Love Engineering First Law of Thermodynamics "Love is an unconserved quantity. Though it comes in different forms, no one can control how it could be generated or consumed."
In my case, I never thought that I had that immense capacity to love, to the extent that I did some things that really never had entered my mind (and body?) before. It’s a rare powerful opportunity of getting out of our usual cell zone.
Love Engineering Thermodynamics Third Law "The entropy of a relationship at stable equilibrium is at minimum."
The reality is that even the best relationships of mankind go through rough times. Never expect it to be as clear as crystal ball and as white as snow. So if you want to minimize all the disorder, obey the faithful advice of science – do work on it.
Love transport process basic principle: rate = driving force/resistance.
Applied to love, rate= woman's initiatives/(1/man's efforts). =)
Woman almost always provide the stimulus in the beginning. A man in love cannot help motivating himself because the motovation only springs from the woman. And when this point comes, man should be ready to eliminate all those resistances and begin transporting his love.
Love Engineering Mechanics First Law "A human body at rest will remain at rest, unless compelled by another human body."
Yun na. Whaha
Love Engineering Mechanics Third Law: "Any effort to hurt your loved one hurts yourself to a greater extent."
Never attempt to hurt a person whom you deeply love, for the mere objective of revenge and (self-)justice.
It may give you a short relief at the start, but it also burns the bridge you need to cross in the future to move on.
Prayer becomes more powerful in these kind of moments.
Being in a relationship is really a rewarding challenge for anyone who wants to take the risk of it.
The rule that bigger rewards are always accompanied by bigger risks applies not only in the stock market but generally in life.
It’s definitely one of the best ways to take the most out of this precious gift called life.
After all, genuine love, and not stringent laws, should be the prime reason of all our choices and action.
Spread the love! ♥♥♥